
Showing posts from July, 2008


My Grandma.

Go Team Mom and Dad!

So with a teeny baby you can't exactly go dancing or to concerts or to movies, so Stephen and I have instead been running around the magical land of Warcraft. Whoo! So if you ever see a little gnome mage and human rogue kicking some bad guy butt, buff us! And hey, check out my buddy Eric Henze's blog. He worked on WOW. Also, check out Michelle Gorski's blog, who inspired me to do this post, with her post . Aaaand, Flight 5 is out! YEAH! Hope you enjoy my story "The Changeling" and also all the other super fun stories in it. Be sure to take a peek at the preview . And lastly, here's a quick sketch of Hellboy for drawergeeks . Go surliness!