Ophelia and the Lemmie

Just a quickie tonight! Click the image to see it bigger.


Anonymous said…
Nice Stuff, Sarah as always. Btw, I added your link to my blog.
milo said…
Sweet job!!! As usual....;O) keep it up! :OP
Anonymous said…
I'm pretty much in love with your style, very good. I'm sure that Lemmie guy will cheer her up soon!
Tyson said…
Being able to draw is one thing, but being able to draw narratively is whole different level. Obviously, the "Dragon Girl" story shows that you can do it, and so does this piece. So many little clues that set up story here - expressions, poses, even little details like the party hat.

I am looking forward to your graphic novel.
Lemmie's eyes are killing me! Awesome job Sarah.
Anonymous said…
Uh-oh... He's thinkin' about eatin' her...
clifford urban said…
how cute!

greetz from bruxelles
mike said…
AAH! killing me with CUTE!!
stephen said…
This has a fantastic looseness to it and some more great expressions. Love both character designs too. Tyson is right, seems like all your art tells a story.
Kevin Cromwell said…
Awww. What about your un-birthday? I don't want to celebrate by myself.

Great sketch.

Jose Ramos said…
hey Sarah , It´s really
wonderful, i think that , this one got a felling , i like over all the face girl!
jim bradshaw said…
I love Lemmie. What a great character.
Vanhoozerbot said…
Flippin fantastic.
I love Lemmie.
sarah said…
Thanks everyone! It was going to be for the Toon Club blog, but I haven't had a chance to post it yet :)
Unknown said…
beautiful!! Love the soft pink color scheme, it add to the mood!!
Unknown said…
Both characters are really great, I especially like the Lemmie, but that's just me I have a thing for monsters....
Bryan Lefler said…
James Chiang said…
that's very cute. nice work.
Dave David said…
Whoa!!! haven't been here since...yesterday..haha
I visit your blog every morning, my daily cup of tea for inspiration, thank you.
S.T. Lewis said…
You should post this on Toon Club... I love it! The party hat is a great touch on the pink beast. I always love your work... you do beautiful stuff.
Marco Bucci said…
awesome! Such great feeling. Your sense of proportion is very appealing.
Jampix said…
sweet artwork love the looseness of your lines absolute fab!
muy buen trabajo! me encanta el diseƱo de personajes! el moustruito es exelente! benja
Sian Cross said…
Wow your drawings are so great, well I guess you don't need me to tell you that, I really love the way you draw long flowing hair. Forgive me for sounding like a novice....but I am one. I'm completely new to all of this, and I've been nosing through lots of blogs and it seems there are a lot of animation/drawing/character design people. I haven't come across too many female animators yet (you're the first!) and I find it very inspiring to see your work.

I'm just starting out on the $100,000 Animation Drawing Course online (and it shows!)and I was wondering if you had the time, maybe you could take a look at my efforts so far and possibly give any advice or tips you may have. It would be greatly appreciated.
Anonymous said…
I like your style...I especially like the sprite in your blog title.
Anonymous said…
this is great! what do you normally draw/sketch/color with?
