Pirate, Boy and Lyra
I saw The Golden Compass several weekends ago and thought it was much better than the critics made it out to be. The little girl who played Lyra did a fantastic job.
It's too bad though that books somehow don't 'count' to the public unless they are made into films. I'm reading The Golden Compass now, and although the film is an admirable attempt to capture a very complex story, there are just some things better read than seen in a theater.
Quick question: What size are those originals?
awesome drawings, as usual!
Michelle, now that I am reading the book I can see a lot was changed/condensed. It's a lot grittier too. I still like the movie as well, I'm just glad I saw it first.
Louis-Philippe, these were drawn in a 7x5 inch sketchbook. :)
I'm thinking I might get the audio books on itunes for golden compass... but I am torn... should I wait and watch the films first... i don't know what to do
the audio books are supposed to be quite good quality
I haven't seen The Golden Compass yet, but I read the whole trilogy a few years back - they're a lot of fun. It's been a hot topic on my blog lately, what with all the controversy over Pullman's beliefs on religion...
these are terrific.
Love pirates,...Awesome as always.
I really enjoyed "Compass",
but I'm a sucker for high adventure flicks, besides
you can't beat Sam Elliott
he's good no matter what.
or at http://www.blackplanet.com/supamaddlover/
peace Wordsongs
I haven't been around in a while; I love the character sketches, as well!
You always have such a nice sense of kinematics in non animated works; it's amazing!