ha-RAAAAAY! I love that you wrote that post about people asking "hey, what about the color?" and then you posted a desaturated photo of your baby :) -congratulations.
Coucou! Ben j'suis arrivée sur ton blog par le hazard d'une recherche sur le net et bien sur j'ai pas encore eu le temps de le voir en entier et j'pense que tu reçois déjà beaucoup de félicitations de partout MAIS je tenais à te faire part (pour ce que ça vaut bien sur) de mon admiration ^^. Voilà voilà.. J'vais essayer de traduire maintenant... Mdr
Translate (as i could..) in ENGLISH: HelloO! So i was arrived on your blog by the hazard of a net recherche and of course i'd got not any time yet to see all of it, and i think you recieve yet much congratulations of everywhere BUT i wanna tell you (as i could whith my small french voice!) that i admire your job into illustratism! I hope you understand me a little (at least)...
Well!! Bonne continuation! (good continuation) Et "La France vous regarde!" ("France look at You!") ^^ Bizoux!
Congrats Sarah! Get as much sleep as you're able. Store up some ideas.
babies sleep
and when they do
you DRAW
no sleep for you!!!
little babies are t'awesome.
sleep when you can.. honestly.. sleeep.. sleep.. pay no attention to the fleisig.. sleeeeeeep..
My own baby is just over 6 months old and I can't even imagine what I was doing WITHOUT him all these years.
All the best!!!!
(Thank you for sending the email - that made me feel so special, heh!)
That little lady better have a pencil in her hand before she can walk! (Or at least a crayon!)
...and thank you for your pictures ^)
Congratulations! And just in time for Mother's Day.
Translate (as i could..) in ENGLISH:
HelloO! So i was arrived on your blog by the hazard of a net recherche and of course i'd got not any time yet to see all of it, and i think you recieve yet much congratulations of everywhere BUT i wanna tell you (as i could whith my small french voice!) that i admire your job into illustratism!
I hope you understand me a little (at least)...
Well!! Bonne continuation! (good continuation) Et "La France vous regarde!" ("France look at You!") ^^
i did an illustration for my mom - you can see it here:
That's going to have to be some skecth when you get back!
now your inspired and inspiration in one.
I was having a look to your drawings when I run into this wonderful piece of news.
Be happy!
I wish you my best