So... an update. About a month ago I waved the white flag on my graphic novel. Being a full-time mom doesn't leave much time for drawing and anyone who's ever worked on a comic knows that creating a comic is very time intensive. Despite working on the book whenever I had a spare moment, I was just getting further and further behind schedule and more and more frustrated. When I realized it was going to take me over a DECADE to finish at the slow pace I'd gotten to, I knew it was time to give up.
I will of course continue to post new art here on the blog, hopefully a little more frequently. This painting is of my newest little nephew (yay!).
I also apologize for my over full e-mail inbox that has been rejecting mail this past month. I'll be posting a new artist address as soon as I get it set up.
I, as usual, am in awe.
Your fan,
Much harder than we can imagine.
So… again: don't worry.
Un saludo y enhorabuena.
My list of artistic To Dos has not changed 1 bit in a month.
I hope you can find a way to make the comic work. Your art is too beautiful to do without. Even a sitter a couple of days a week might help you some. (I'm not privileged enough to do that, but I've heard of it, especially with women who want to stay at home and freelance).
Good luck!
Good luck. I hope you keep working away and finish at some point . . .
(Any chance that you'd send me a sneak peek at what you've done so far? I'm dying to see it.)
-The Prince of Mockingbirds
your work is so great!!
Fantastic work as usual!
I will keep checking back for more inspiration.
But deadly.
Just like me.
"Chris is Starving!"
I am a designer and I have a two year old. My suggestion, don't worry at all about getting things done the 1st year. after 18 months or so you suddenly get your life together and free time. enjoy your baby. I really enjoy your art.
I'm only 15, so I'm still using computer paper and crayola colored pencils, but I hope you check them out and give me some feedback. That would be great.
By the way I like your second tooth fairy, the strange one...its sooo good. =]
- Kenny
Nice lion, by the way :)
Looks great. I love all your work. Enjoy the baby while she's young like everyone else says. I will wait patiently (biting my nails) for another post from you. Your work is so wonderful. Also thanks for the info on DrawerGeeks hope to see you post there as well. Take care.
Inspiring blog you have, still have to go through a lot of your older posts but I really like your images.
the lion seems so sad.. ó_ò
I hope you do keep posting new art though as i've been a big fan since we met at Flight!
Good luck with the little one! I know that ours is a handful and look forward to anything you decide to post!
what is the best way to follow your work? through blogger or flickr or do you have something else?
Thank you everyone for the kind and encouraging comments.