
Just a little sketch to check and see that the computer is up and running after a major virus attack. So long all my digital art from the past three years! Let this be a lesson to me to burn DVDs of everything, not just have backup drives.

I travelled to Denmark in October to teach character design for a week at the wonderful Animation Workshop. I had a great time; the students were all exceptionally talented and the staff very welcoming. Not to mention Denmark is a beautiful country and a mecca for yummy food, it was a treat to visit.

I've been doing a lot of writing these past few months, and now that I've got a new studio space set up, I hope to get some more art done as well.

If I don't post again before Christmas, I hope everyone has a great holiday. :)


Mish said…
beautiful as always. sorry to hear about your art loss...joe lost years worth of art due to a hard drive failure a few years ago and it was really frustrating. :(
Anonymous said…
I use a program called Jungle Disk to do daily off-line backups of my work. It's literally pennies a month to do so. There are lots of alternatives, but the most important thing is that it's automatic, you don't have to copy files, or burn a CD - zero effort once you set it up. Totally worth it!
Thallian said…
Hopefully Google preserved some of it.
Tyson Murphy said…
what a coincidence, my computer is at the geek squad right now because of the same thing. sigh.

beautiful sketch!
Hooray! :)
Denmark sounds fantastic! I think you should come out to California, though! ;)
Kim Gadbois said…
wooow! this is gorgeous!
Unknown said…
Sorry for you loss. Beautiful angel. Hope your little one is keeping you busy too!
Charles Eubanks said…
That is such a tragedy about your data loss! Any hope of recovering your files?
Rok Andic said…
Beautiful work as always Sarah!
Really sorry to hear about your data loss.
Ian Summers said…
Your works awesome. I'm more than a little humbled by it.
-amber- said…
that angel is so so beatiful!!!
A beautifully haunting reminder to all of us. SAVE SAVE SAVE.

Thanks for posting, I've missed seeing your elegant work.
Jesse Nelson said…
Beautiful work Sarah! I'm glad to see another post from you. So sorry to hear about the computer...
Scott Daly said…
Beautiful character Sarah. I hope you fixed everything on your computer.
mike said…
looooovely angel. but man- sad to hear about all your lost artwork! egad! i'm backing art to dvd this weekend for sure.

have a GREAT christmas, sarah! hope you and the family are well!
Anonymous said…
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sarah said…
Thanks everyone for all the encouragement and ideas. :) I definitely haven't given up yet on trying to save the files. They are sitting trapped on a drive. Hopefully they can be rescued.
Breadwig said…
Gorgeous new illustration Sarah. I think you've got a good shot at recovering all your files (fingers crossed).
mattcrotts said…
art that inspired me to think of your work!
Unknown said…
For a quick system check sketch.. that's pretty damn pretty!
Kenny said…
Hey Sarah. I love this one. Its gorgous. I've been working on my sketches too, trying to develop my skills, because I'm 15 and don't really have a personal style quite yet. I was hoping, maybe if you had time when posting your next sketch, if you could check mine out and give me your opinion. I have two blogs. InKenny'sShoes is my most recent, and SimplyOutgoing is an older one. Hope you check them out!
- Kenny
it sure looks like the computer is doing the work splendid, ;) proberly not all alone, what a beautyful sketch;) happy newyear
I'm in LOVE with this one on the very 1st sight!!

This is awsome, Sarah!!=))
Neesha Hudson said…
You do such amazing work! I love your blog and this painting especially!
numero uno said…
wonderful sarah... i m just a beginner and someday i'll draw like u :P
rigodiaz said…
this is amazing, it's almost alive
great work!
Anonymous said…
Hello Sarah, I just came across your blog and I really enjoy you drawings and paintings that you have done. I really love this picture of the angel and would love to own a print of it. Is there anyway I could purchase a print from you. You can email me at