Girl Pirate vs. Lion Tamer

Just kidding on the vs. but someone should draw that! Maybe me. We'll see. Hey look two posts in one month! Yay! Maybe this has something to do with moving my studio downstairs? Both of these were drawn while hanging out with my 1 1/2 year old daughter. She was anxious to help, so I had to be quick flipping my sketchbook to "her" drawing page whenever she nabbed the pencil.

Unless something goes awry, I WILL have another post before Christmas. It's half done. Stay tuned. :)


Vanhoozerbot said…

I love these a whole lot. So nice to have your drawings to look at again. I truly hope all is well with you and the family!
mike said…
what jeremy, said! great to have you back, sarah. i hope hazel lets you keep posting!
Tony C. said…
This is the Sarah we know and love! The pirate girl is sooper cool!
Mike Lawrence said…
that girl pirate is adorable
laura! said…
i must say it looks as though your lion is secretly plotting.

glad to see you posting again my lovely sister. yay for new studio space!

Kent said…
Great characters! I could see them in a story together.
Manoj Sinha said…
Nice characters, Angel Was great.
Breadwig said…
Woo Hoo!
Anonymous said…
Amazing as usual.
Becky said…
I love them both - but especially the girl pirate!!
cristian said…
Nice designs! Hope to see more very soon :-)
Kenny said…
I like the girl priate. Her expression is very good. You always impress me. If you, or even some of the people who visit your blog, if any of you are reading this, could spend a few minutes or so and check out my blog, and comment, that would be great. I'd love some hard criticism. I'm going to post up a few new sketches after this comment, so check in 10 minutes or so and they may be up for you. Please and thanks you.
m p nishaanth said…
Love the Stlye! Specially the hairs!
krapula said…
two posts in a month are a real christmas gift! awsome as usual! tnx!!!
Anonymous said…
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claire said…
we LOVE pirate girls!!! and LOVE this!! :)
Bety Bovio said…
love the expression on her face!!!