
Showing posts from February, 2011

Ooo Vampire! Also, the Wellington Division - Sequence 28

I know, the blog needs more color. I'm working on it! I drew this listening to Janelle Monae's awesome song Come Alive . If I didn't have small kiddos and could blare songs in the car more often, that song is what I'd blare. So I'm super excited because I just realized that one of my art heroes, Alessandro Barbucci , linked me on his blog! Yay!!!!!! That's right, SIX exclamation marks and I mean every single one. If you don't know Alessandro Barbucci's fantastic art, start here. And of course, here are the roughs for sequence 28 of the Wellington Division! It's another biggie, catching up with Tearse and Elsie...

The Wellington Division - The Museum

Here are the roughs for sequence 27 and it's a biggie - twenty-four pages. Tyler reappears after being taken from the asylum by the Emperor at the end of part two.

Dragons and Kitty-Dragons

My daughter is obsessed with all things dragon at the moment; she's a sister dragon, we're parent dragons, our cats are kitty-dragons, she wants to go dragon riding, etc. It was really fun imagining our cats as kitty-dragons, I was also inspired by Craig Phillip's charming Catwings illustrations.

The Wellington Division - Sequence 26

Here's sequence 26 . Just a few pages this week. Anyone need a slave who can use a hand flail and shear sheep?

The Wellington Division - Tiger!

Sequence 25 roughs! This is the first of a few long sequences in book three. Kyte reappears here too, the character who got this whole story rolling way back in sequence 1 . I'm pretty fond of Kyte. I think every writer has a story that has been in various stages of development for years and years. The Wellington Division is mine. In a very early draft, when it was a children's book and not a comic, he was a tiny fairy-type creature. After my first year of college, I had a summer job drawing caricatures at a theme park. Occasionally I'd help carve letters into rings at another booth. I still have a silver Kyte ring I made. It fits my wedding ring finger best, so I don't often wear it, but it's right up there as one of my favorite pieces of jewelery.


Here's that Thor art I mentioned a few posts back. I've been meaning to paint it (or at the very least scan it) for months. I'm glad I haven't accidentally spilled a cup of tea on it in the meantime. My first idea , I liked, but I wanted to see more of his face, so I went with this.