The Tortoise and The Hare

(Click on image for larger version.) Another for Toon Club! Yeah, it doesn't look like a very interesting (or even logical) race, but rabbits sitting on turtles is cute.
This week has been very productive graphic novel wise, but not really blog wise, but luckily last night I got all inspired and drew up a storm while watching 'Coal Miner's Daughter' on TCM and then a show on the Kennedy Assassination (which is always interesting since I live in Dallas and every time I get lost downtown I accidentally end up driving past the Grassy Knoll/Book Depository and get stuck going north on 35!) But yes, if you have never seen Coal Miner's Daughter, it's worth checking out. Yay for TCM!


Tony C. said…
It's rare that you ever see this pair in such a realistic manner. It really does highlight the absurdity of the concept.

Also, my eyes seem to keep getting drawn to the beauty of the turtle shell's silhouette. Astounding.
bsleven said…
Wow, That bunny sure is cute! The whole piece is adorable.
: )

I really like your work, I'll be coming back to visit your awesome blog!
pascal said…
So.. Toonclub, is it like another Drawer geek?
How many clubs do you belong too?
I love your bunny - my dad's best friend has bunnies, but they were never nice to me. Even though we were watching a Bugs Bunny marathon with them once .. they don't like to be loved. Oh well. Toon Club is a lot of fun to look through! -- Ok so I plan on emailing you tonight once I get to my dad's house (hopefully!) -- I have a lot to update you with - part of which includes meeting John Lasseter - and also involves a story I wrote for my english class. :) Also - I started a new blog just to get a fresh start and hopefully inspire me (I've had such an artists block!) -- so I hope you check it out! :) I'm glad you've made such progress with the graphic novel - but I miss seeing your updates all the time.
Alex Fleisig said…
you and michelle are having some kind of cute drawing contest, aren't you?
AlanaMcCarthy said…
The expression on that tortoise's face makes me laugh! Awesome drawing.
HelldorinStudio said…
really great blog ! i like all your works !!! can i link you on my blog ?
saraquarelle said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
saraquarelle said…
Sorry I have deleted my comment...
So I said : great work ! I really like your style !
Unknown said…
awesome drawing and very cute too. great idea. that spot in dallas have to be one of the most famous spots in the world.
Aaron Knight said…
Man, I an so jealous of how wonderfully sure and smooth your lines are. It really shows up in an uncolored sketch like this.
sarah said…
Thanks everyone very much for the kind comments.

Pascal, I'm just part of those two clubs. Good thing too or I'd never get anything else done :)
mike said…
aw! check out these guys! they're adorable!
Unknown said…
Cool stuff. Nice arrangement of the characters...