What not to wear in the Italian Renaissance

I don't think I will ever get bored with using Albert Racinet's work for inspiration. If you are interested in character design, I recommend hunting through your local used bookstores for the big size-of-a-coffee-table book he wrote on costume history. It's probably the most helpful reference book I have.


pascal said…
Hey..I don't know that book.
I'm going to go look for it today!
Haha that's awesome! I'm definately going to look for it though - I always have trouble when it comes to figuring out what people wear. :)
sarah said…
I also saw copies of it in an Anthropologie store recently, but it might be really pricey there.
stephen said…
I think this is it on Amazon:


If the link doesn't work it's called "The Complete Costume History", by Auguste Racinet.

Lovely drawing. The expressions go with the clothes. :)

sarah said…
Auguste! Oops :) Thanks Stephen.
Joseph Sapulich said…
This is awesome work! Love your line and form. Bravo!
Unknown said…
yeah, really nice drawing, i definetly need to check out that book.
Steve Schwartz said…
these are beautiful!
i always seem to use the same crutches with costumes, so this book would def. come in handy.
Anonymous said…
hello! my cousin luke does stuff on drawergeeks sometimes and your stuff is always my favorite. i've been meaning to tell you i love the costume design (happens to be my major)in your drawings! so original and packed with detail and life. i laughed out loud and decided to finally leave a comment after your last entry. i live in arlington, i always get lost in dallas too and end up doing the same thing, i was watching coal miner's daughter on tcm (i love their month-long oscar thing) and i own that book!(love it too!) ha ha weird. thought it was about time to tell you YOU ROCK! keep up the good work!
Oooo said…
Que hermosas ilustraciones!! Me encantan!! Tienes un talento increíble!!

It´s a beatifull illustrations!! I like it!! You´re a incredible talent!!

Congratulations of Guatemala!!
Saludos desde Guatemala!!

Mauricio said…

Congrats awesome work.

From Brazil :o)
really cool stuff! a pleasure vistit your blog!

Unknown said…
wow beautiful once again!!! Will definately look for this book. Thanks kindly!!
IamOSI said…
nicely done design, diggin the attention to detail. and thanks for the book recommendation. ill definitely check it out.
Unknown said…
Love your characters, they are simply wonderful and charming!! Great design, love the stylized form!!
Breadwig said…
If they came in a baggy version, I would wear those pants. I'm serious.
Marco Bucci said…
Another nice one. I love the dress on the lady. Great design sense!
Anonymous said…
Oh man I'm wearing pants like that right now...back to the closet I guess. Good job Sarah.
PEPE said…
superb work!!!so very inspiring!