Mean Pirates

Since I haven't had a chance to do any new blog art lately, I thought I'd post something from one of the projects I have on the go. Here is the first penciled page of a four page short story. There will eventually be a title above and to the left of the pirate ship, I just have to come up with a title I like.


Keath said…
killer perspective on that second panel (no pun intended)!
Tony C. said…
Keath, you stole my comment!

I agree with Keath on the cool ship, and I love the pictograph word balloon. I can't wait to see this in color.
Vanhoozerbot said…
Glad to have you posting again.

Your fan,

aintshakespeare said…
AAAAAAGH!!! That's horrible!
I feel so bad for that guy! Please ghost of Christmas Future, is this a picture of things that will be, or things that might be???
aintshakespeare said…
Oh, and as usual the piece is great. The detail on the pirate ship is fascinating.
Anonymous said…
Lovely work! Its amazing how quickly I was pulled into the story... too bad that guy is frozen in that predicament :)
mike said…
awesome! what is this for?
Richard Oud said…
Ooow wow, Ilove pirate story's! This is one to lok forward to, and see everything come together!
Ken Chandler said…
My question is, is the guy who's waving, waving because he cares, or because he's cruel. The thought, "He is a pirate..." comes to mind. Beautifully rendered Sarah! Terrific narrative, and what a cliff-hanger.

I hope the guy tied to the ship is named Gil or Bob. It's his only hope.
lol....hilarious...oh, that Luke Skywalker with the buns is awesome! hahahahahaha
Tyson said…

I mean, Awesome!
Anonymous said…
thats pretty cool! i am an "artist in training" at the moment. youre awesome!