Finished my
drawergeeks entry early. I'm pretty happy with this painting and it came together much quicker than usual too. Yay! As I worked on this, I started wondering why Tarzan is so often depicted as clean-shaven. I guess I could have thrown in a moustache, chest hair etc. too, but why is that?
Thank you also to everyone who has been stopping by the blog lately.
the way you drew this guy, he totally looks like someone i work with! ha!
You should do a lesson on how to paint like this.
Mine has a beard too!
The lighting you have here is AWESOME. Beautiful work. You set the bar very high.
I might try a tutorial in the future, however I'm still figuring out my process and might lead people down a crazy painting path. :) In the meantime, check out the link to Ryan Wood's page on the right side of my blog. He recently posted an AWESOME film of his painting process. It's super inspiring.
Anyway, I got sidetracked. I wanted to say that it was an awesome Tarzan.
great lighting and texture..
I love your work! I just read Flight volume 4 and almost cried during your story. Great stuff.
see u!
awesome blog full of amazing sketches!!!
Lovely indeed!