Page Two

All systems go! Well, almost. I'm still waiting on a cable to connect my Cintiq to my new computer, but other than that, get ready for some comic pages! If you are just stopping by for the first time, I don't have a webpage set up for this story yet, but you can find page one here.


Katherine said…
I'm loving the beginning to this new story. As someone pointed out, the blue was a great touch in the last post, and it still works here -- it highlights without being overwhelming and really draws you into the figure. I find it to be a 'pleasant' colour, so it makes me want to know more about this mysterious girl, and be prepared to sympathise with her. The cape and the location also give me 'red riding hood' tingles; I hope she'll prove to have an ace or two up her sleeve!
Max(imus) said…
My sister introduced me to your children's story "Extraordinary" and I've been following ever since! I hugely enjoyed the "Wellington Division" and am looking forward to where this new story is going.

Good luck!
Anonymous said…
I love it, Sarah! JC
sarah said…
Hey thanks everyone! Sorry this story has been so slow to start. I hope to post pages more frequently in the future. :)