Super Chesire

It's a two-fer today, because today is also post day for drawergeeks. The other is Tony's requested Chesire Cat.... sort of based on our own fluffy Zoe. Except Zoe doesn't usually look that evil... thank goodness.


colleen said…
these are great; the superman one looks fantastic especially!
Anonymous said…
I think the Superman is great! I love the shading on the cape, and Lois' body structure reminds me of Mirage from the Incredibles.

Thanks for doing my request! For some reason the Cheshire Cat's front feet make me laugh. I think it's because the way heels are together. Love it! :)
Anonymous said…

You rock. Your superman is awesome.
Just wanted to get that out.

Have a good one.

elcerdo said…
you have a good style.
excelents draws.
Jeremy Spears said…
Your artwork is really great Sarah! I enjoyed checking out your website! Keep posting all this good stuff as well.

Tanja said…
hey Sarah,

I have to admit to being a fan of your artwork since I first started visiting drawergeeks after finding the link on Keith Lango's website over a year ago. :)

Really cool to see even more of your art on your new blog and website!

Brandon said…
i must say i love your chesire cat it is a billion times better then the original or the (new) movie one,