Finding a Tiny Elephant

Ha ha, yeah, no real explanation for this. Since yesterday's post was a bit more girly than usual, I thought I'd make today super ungirly, like with a big zombie or villainous something-or-other. This little girl and her elephant appeared in my sketchbook instead.

Hope everyone has a happy new year :) Yay for the weekend!


Vanhoozerbot said…
Nice work once again.
I dig her posture... and the elephant design is great.

I will be waiting for the "villainous something-or-other." Oooooh yes, that is gonna be cool.

Cristina said…
Wow I love her. She`s so adorable. Where did you go to college to study animation or illustration (I`m not really sure of what you do? lol). This is awesome.
Unknown said…
hehehe yeah nice sketch, the gestures you have going are nice , including the elephant.
your blog is great! that elephant is very unique, all your work has great character
PEPE said…
absolutely charming work!! you're to frigging brilliant!!
Mish said…
hooray for girly stuff!

happy new year's!
Marco Bucci said…
Awesome design as usual. This is great! And I LOVE the drawing of the doll below as well. Happy '07!
mike said…
how fun to catch up on all your new art!! fantastic drawing after fantastic drawing. i love the little elephant.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! your holidays were filled with fun and relaxation i hope. :)
pascal said…
Wow.. you've done so much.
This last one is HILARIOUS, and beautifully rendered!
It's alright to be a little girly sometimes! :) Hope you have a nice new year Sarah! I just came back from Sacramento - yay vacations! :] I hope you haven't forgotten to email me back - but I know you've been super busy so it's alright! Happy 2007! (And sorry if this isn't my right screen name .. I think I'm using my google account instead of my blogger). - Jessie
sarah said…
Thanks everyone so much for the kind comments! Yay 07!

Jessie! Ah! I'm so terrible at e-mailing sometimes. I'm sorry. I just e-mailed you now :)
Tom Kidd said…
There's always something beautifully done and fun to see here. A couple of minor connections: I have an elephant character named Percival the Puny Pachyderm and my aunt and uncle used to make porcelain dolls. We have a three footer here. Some people find her a bit too realistic and are afraid to be alone with her/it.
su7ay 3D artist said…
heyyyyyyyyyy.......... verry nice work i like it verry much

see mY blog
su7ay 3D artist said…
heyyyyyyyyyy.......... verry nice work i like it verry much

see mY blog