
So I was going through some old files from last year and found this painting. I hardly remember painting her and I don't remember why I didn't post her. Maybe I didn't post her because she's unfinished and I thought I'd go back and finish her sometime. Or maybe I didn't post her because she kind of has a crazy eye. Anyway, nuts to finishing things and nuts to crazy eyes, I'm posting her now!

And the exciting something for the blog/website is still in the works...


Jez Tuya said…
WOW! this is beautiful!
Marien said…
Sarah, can you please, please, please tell me what you use to make this? What software you use and if you scratch by hand first and paint it afterwards? You're AMAZING!
Ron said…
Beautiful. I love the painting style.
Giuseppe Bianco said…
Radiant and haunting at the same time. So beautiful.
sarah said…
Thank you everyone. :) Marien, I usually start with a sketch and then paint digitally with photoshop or painter.
Keelamari said…
Cooool! Her face has so much dimension, I feel like I could reach out and touch the tip of her nose! And it would like, stick out and stuff. Sorry this comment is so weird, hopefully you get what I mean. :[
Unknown said…
Gorgeous work. I can tell this elf has outlived one too many boyfriends.
Ken said…
Love the way you painted this :)