Dragon Girl (#3)

(Click images for bigger versions.) More of Dragon Girl! If you have missed parts #1 and 2, they were posted on Nov 7th and 9th. I forgot that I was doing this in a square format, so it took a bit of working to get everything in frame once I scanned it :)


Marco Bucci said…
Nice page. Great sense of scale to the drawing (no pun intended...)
mike said…
hooray! dragons!
Anonymous said…
I'll echo the comment on the great sense of scale. Guaranteed to cause instant nightmares for the kiddies!
Breadwig said…
Okay, now I'm really getting into this. Really dig the layout here, it's tasty chewy crunchy goodness.
S.D. said…
At last, the dragon!!!! Great moment in your fairy tale! (And I'm very impartial... :p ) Great composition too!
Tony C. said…
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Tony C. said…
Looks good! I read the Dindle story to my nice and she loved it. :) She can't wait to see what happens to the princess!
Anonymous said…
This is the 73rd BLOG I've placed a link for regarding the following idea...


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