
Watch out for the vampirate, he's out for blood.


Anonymous said…
You're playing with lightning here, Sarah! Combining two of the most powerful enduring fiction archetypes into a single being?

That is one seriously cool character. I'm surprised nobody's done a comic book/book/movie featuring Vampirates. (hint, hint)

(PS: My random word verification code came up as "fembo"? Is that Rambo's slightly effeminate brother?
Vanhoozerbot said…
Wow... funny, and scary!
I agree that you should pen a film about vampire pirates. It would rock.

It is great to see these daily sketches!

pascal said…
Your character design is becoming more "mastered" by the day.
You're gaining an ease of depiction in the emotions that's really nice.
Alex Fleisig said…
oooo... awesome facial structure... feels really fleshy... and i like the tapered arm shape alot
hahaha...clever clever...
Unknown said…
so many awesome coool character drawings and paintings!!
mike said…


actually, wait. no.

continue... :)
Adam Ford said…
Great drawing. I would love to see what you do with it in color.
Marco Bucci said…
Again with the appealing shapes. Nice gesture, and cool facial expression. Looks like it's ready for a few more keyframes!
Unknown said…
man that's great, piraes and vimpires, how could you go wrong?
sweet line work and character.
great drawing.
Ryan Wood said…
Great character sketch, I love how the overall shapes are working, nice work!