Accidentally slept in, so I figured I'd just throw some quick colour on one of the posts from yesterday. It's been a while since I posted any colour stuff anyway. All this caricaturing has made me think of my old college summer job as a caricature artist. I remember thinking "awesome, now I can practice caricatures all day long"..... wrong. People weren't interested in what many of us think to be a caricature, they all just wanted something I'd liken to a permanent-marker face-lift, they didn't want to be exaggerated, they just wanted to look really hot. I remember this one woman's boyfriend sat down beside her. She told him to move or he'd be in the shot... like I was some kind of automatic camera that would just keep drawing everything within range. Ha ha. My other favorite story from that summer was that we also drew portraits (I use that word loosely, as we used cheapy chalk on construction board), the guy who owned the booth (and paid the art...