I have been reading Lloyd Alexander's The Book of Three recently and it makes me wonder about the Disney Black Cauldron film that 'could have been.' The book series is really quite good and the characters very charming, it all calls out for a movie adaptation. Hopefully some film maker will do this imaginary world justice someday, in the meantime it's a nice read. Anyway... here is my take on Taran the Assistant Pig Keeper, Eilonwy (the chatterbox) and Gurgi.
(Click image for a bigger version.)
've never read that book..
I think I should pick it up sometime!
I remember seeing this at the theater, and getting the comicbook for it afterward. Still have the comic and look at it from time to time.
I'll have to check out "The Book of Three" based on this post. It must be cool. Hopefully my son will like it.
How about a Horned King?
I haven't read the Chronicles of Amber... I'll have to give it a look see...