Okay, not my best, I know. But I'm doing a bit of an experiment this week... I'm going to paint this drawing everyday for an hour (or less). I know I can paint okay if I spend days on a painting or use some sort of trick, like leaving the lines in on a multiply layer, but I want to be more confident with strait up digital painting. I think the fact that I consider it to be one of my weaknesses is why I generally fail at it.
I had the idea of doing something like that to.. but never did..
maybe now is the time to do it!
And good idea, though your sense of design and color are awesome.
If you don't mind, I'll link you :)
thanks for the inspiration!
Sarah is painting!
I think you are off to a fantastic start.
Love the colors.
I too am scared of painting, but I have heard it doesn't bite.
Now if I could only losen up my purse strings and pop for a decent tablet. Mouse painting is like threading a needle wearing mittens.
Great P.I.B., by the way. Looks great to me!
Christian, I'd love a link, thank you very much :)