Since it's about time I start doing some photo studies to better my sense of colour and whatnot in general, here's one of my younger sister at my wedding. It's based on one of my favorite pictures of her... the original snapped by the amazing
Leanna Bates. Most likely I'm doing neither the photo or how pretty my sister looks in it justice, but it was a good exercise. To remove the temptation of eye-dropping the colours, I put the photo album beside my computer... rather than pull up the digital photo :)
I'll hopefully do more of these quick studies in the future.
Narmo, the french teen hedgehog.
i like leanna's work too. :)
You know Colin, definitely painting and drawing from life is a definitely the best thing an aspiring artist can do. But I wouldn't discourage people studying photos either when trying to become a better illustrative painter (and by that I mean painting things from the imagination). Photos are just another wonderful place to gather interesting visual information that will help make imagined paintings look more life-like :)
Interesting to see this style from you.
And you really shine with the colors here.
Once again, great job.
so much story in this
i have been looking at it for long time and i just can say that i hope i could apply the colour like that one day.....
i must keep on practising!!!!
and on....and on....
( º3º)/ love it!