Dragon Girl (#4)

(Click images for bigger versions.) More story! Yay! Fairytale scary! I'm trying to get these up every other day so it's easy to follow along.


Way to go Sarah....now I will be sad for the rest of the day! lol
mike said…
oh no! :D
S.D. said…
I'm captivate by your fairy tale! Just want to know more about this dragon and the little princess... And, is the dragon really unfair? Is it really a bad guy?
S.T. Lewis said…
Beautiful sketch... great emotion in those expressions. I love it!
Ryan Wood said…
Great story, those expressions are fantastic!
pascal said…
wow,......things are getting nasty here!
Anonymous said…
nice post again. really enjoying the story as well.
Unknown said…
A moving illustration. Looks like the story is coming along nicely!

Hey, your work in this series reminds me of "For Better or For Worse". The way the woman is drawn. Has anyone ever made that comparison before? Just an observation :)
Anonymous said…
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Tanja said…
Go, Dragon, go!
sarah said…
Thanks everyone! I'm really having fun posting another blog story. I wish I had time to make the art fancier for it :)

Dave, I don't think anyone has said that before, but it's very possible I've been influenced by Lynn Johnston. Long before I read any other comics, I loved her books.

By the way, people might have lately noticed I've deleted the odd comment. In case anyone is curious why, they were advertisements or people using the comment area to post unsolicited links.