Werewolf with watch.

When you full-moon transform into a werewolf, all your clothes would probably tear off.... but maybe not your watch. (For drawergeeks this week!)


mike said…
oh shoot! is that THIS week! i was thinking it was next week.

this is so cute!
Mish said…
haha...yay! i love it. he looks pissed that his clothes are gone.
Unknown said…
awesome! Love his pose and expression. Simply mahvelous!
Mark Behm said…
I assumed this was you- being eft handed and all.
Vanhoozerbot said…
I wonder if that is an Armitron Ironman.
I wore one of those in the 7th grade, and it was bigger than my head. And it beeped really loud.

Great pencils as usual!

sarah said…
Thanks guys! (Is drawergeeks due this week? Or next?... now I'm all mixed up too!)

Mark, I'm actually right handed... I set up my computer left handedly while animating at DNA hoping to take some stress off my drawing hand. Ha ha, definitely got confusing though at times :)

Awesome drawergeeks topic by the way!
Kevin Cromwell said…
Cool. I like how his pose reminds me of the fat squirrels I saw at Renn Fest this weekend.

Ben Reynolds said…
your stuff is so awesome...I LOOOVE that vampirate!! But i love it all. You have crazy amounts of skill...
pascal said…
THIS week?
isn't it NEXT week since we just did the monster engine ?
Mark Behm said…
Wow. Impressive ampidexterity! I should try learning to do that too. Either way, great wolf.
Marco Bucci said…
Whoa, talk about early drawergeeks material! Great sketch. And looks like I missed a few updates here as well - they're looking nice. Love that storybook page below!
Breadwig said…
Ha! That is really funny Sarah. My favorite watch was my star wars red LED watch from 1977. First one in the neighborhood!
cristian said…
Wow!! Awesome design for the character...and funny :)
Love the illustration about the baby princess. Amazing!!
Fab !! I always loved that bit in American Werewolf in London where he wakes up in the zoo,now if he had his watch he'd have known what time it was ! :) The best line is when the kid says'A naked American man just stole my balloons'
Anonymous said…
This is my first time visiting your blog. I really liked your work on drawergeeks.com, and the rest of your drawings/paintings on your blog are great too. I particularily enjoyed the Lost and Dead Like Me characters.
Randy said…
I really like this style of your work. I saw the Supergirl sketch you did over on drawergeeks, just rough pencil like this, and thought it was great.

I'm just a lowly freelancer/student right now, but if you get a chance, feel free to hop over to my blog and critique some of my work. I always like getting comments from other, more capable artists.

Anyhow, I really like your work! I'll try to look for your flight story when the book's out.
