
Showing posts from January, 2007

Delusions of Grandeur

This was going to be for Toon Club , but then I felt it was too messy and too last minute. I like all the weird colours though :) I managed to make a couple little blog changes yesterday too, like finally getting a banner up (there was much tearing out of hair trying to figure that out) and also putting together some pages for current and past little blog stories. This way when I post the next page of a story, if you are not sure what's going on you don't have to slog through all the old posts to find out.


Here is Spring painted. Looking at this now, I think I'll rearrange some of those flowers on the left side, one is riding right along the edge of the printing area. Anyway! Onto Summer! Oh and I just realized that I have not posted any Dragon Girl stuff recently. I'll try to get some up this week :) Here's a detail of the Spring painting;

Writing Group Sketches Galore

The way writing group works is thirty or so people listen to someone read part of a story or novel and then offer critique. I tend to sketch while I listen, jotting my critiques at the top of the page so I don't forget them. Each session is about two and a half hours long with various people reading, so I end up filling lots of pages with doodles. Here are some of the pages from last night. The first two pages and the last page show a little of my thought process when working on a character design. I wanted to post this when I got home, but we hadn't eaten dinner yet and were hungry... and then it was midnight. I'm hoping to bring my graphic novel to the writing group for critique, but it's going to be a challenge. The entire critique hinges on the authors reading their story aloud, and well, I'm not sure how to 'read' a graphic novel to people :)

Still cavemanly!

Here he is with colour. It's still chilly in the back room, but the space heater I thought was broken isn't! Yay!


These will be coloured soon too :)


Hopefully I'll find the time to paint this sophisticated gentleman for drawergeeks next week. Although it may not be an issue of time, so much an issue of if I can endure how cold the computer/studio room is these days. I've been wearing hiking socks, several sweaters, a scarf, toque and carting a blanket back there :(


Feels like it's been ages since I just did a strait-up character design. So here's a deer with a wee head. I think deers are right up there with bunnies and chipmunks when it comes to cute.

Dragon Girl (# 11)

Another rough for the Dragon Girl story. As always click the images for larger versions :)

Secret Recipe

Yay for Mondays! I'll try and get another Dragon Girl post up tomorrow.

More of yesterday's art...

Here's more of yesterday's drawing... there is still more to do, but here's where it's at today. Thanks everyone for your input on daily vs. not-quite-daily. I think I'm going to definitely not worry so much about posting every day, and focus instead on drawing well everyday. I will still post as much as possible, and perhaps do what I did today and post continued progress of certain pieces. I will also continue to do my one hour story roughs. Oh and it was a nephew :)

Daily post?

Early post today since I want to be free this afternoon to go meet my new niece/nephew (?) at the hospital. Yay! Anyway, here's a small part of a concept drawing I started working on today. I've been feeling a bit hedged in lately by trying to finish decent post-able art everyday in the 60 min I can give myself for the daily blog. I'm debating not necessarily posting daily, but instead posting nicer stuff once or twice a week. What do people think of non-daily posts with higher quality art?

Dragon Girl (# 10)

(Click for bigger images.) More of Vylah's adventures today :)

A couple things...

I was digging around in old folders on my computer assembling some portfolio art, and realized I had done this rough cover for the graphic novel a while back and never posted it. And officially for the daily post, I added colour to the Book of Three sketch I did a while back. Click on the image for a larger version.

Dragon Girl (# 9)

More story! (Click images for larger versions.) Hope everyone has a good weekend :)


Here are a random bunch of sketches I did while out at a writing thing last night. Some are character ideas for the graphic novel and some are just what-not :) About the graphic novel, I know I haven't posted any updates for ages. I had been both roughing out sections and starting to work on final pages, but after thinking hard about it yesterday, I decided to put final pages on hold for now. I really like the overall story and I want to make sure I'm telling it in the clearest/most direct way possible. So now my goal is to have a readable rough copy of the entire book by next summer, that way I can get feedback from friends while it's still easy to change things. Thank you everyone so much for the comments on the last post too.

Centaurs are fit and they know it.

Every time you see these guys... movies, games, Greek legends... they are always super buff. They must run around the forest all day lifting rocks. I spent a little more time on the post today because I have really been slacking when it comes to challenging topics. The whole point of starting the blog was to challenge myself and expand my drawing vocabulary. Knowing people are going to look at my sketches makes me nervous, so rather than risk an awful drawing that I have to post so I don't miss a day, I often revert to drawing girls, which is easy I guess because I'm a girl and I know how I stand and move. Does anyone else have a 'comfort food' drawing topic they try not to draw all the time?

Dragon Girl (#8)

(As always with these, click to make bigger.) So here's another page of the story! I drew this twice, because the first time our cat kept trying to stand in front on me while I was drawing and things got a little too scribbly.