Still cavemanly!

Here he is with colour. It's still chilly in the back room, but the space heater I thought was broken isn't! Yay!


Marco Bucci said…
Awesome! I dunno if it's just me, but your colour stuff is really looking better and better even since I discovered your blog! Is this for Drawergeeks? I somehow missed this round's handout. What's the topic?
Kristie said…
very cool Sarah!
That guy stole my physique !! Superb piccy !
rogĂ©rio said…
S.T. Lewis said…
Even better with color... just as I had suspected. Really nice, Sarah.
mike said…
man. this is just so.. frickin.. good.
Anonymous said…
THIS IS AWESOME! I like the loin-cloth characters!
Vanhoozerbot said…
Like... this is so good it hurts me.
Seriously, it's gonna bruise.


Kisel.B said…
Jees! This Dude looks like my brother :-)
Paul Conrad said…
Ryan Wood said…
Fantastic color on this version, Sarah!
Breadwig said…
Wow, you didn't disappoint with this one! Kicks some serious caveman tooshie.
sarah said…
Thanks everyone! Strangely enough, I feel like I've been trying to 'reinvent the wheel' regarding how I paint digitally this year, and when I just reverted back to how I used to paint, it all came together much easier. Ha ha :)

Marco, the topic is cavemen, and it's due tomorrow morning. I'll put this on your blog too :)
Adrian Ropp said…
Speaking of Sarahs who are wonderful artists, Shane Lewis and I were wondering if you'd like to participate in our Toon Club. Send me a note if you'd be interested, we'd love to have you! My email address is in my profile.
Unknown said…
this is great! i love how his beard is all dreaded up.
Dean Trippe said…
totally, totally awesome.
Jose Ramos said…
Fantastic blog Sarah , i like so much your style , I hope come back
Anonymous said…
Is this your design? I was thinking about modeling this design for school (giving you credit, of course) and I found this site with the caveman modeled already.