
I had this image in my mind since last weekend while out dancing. Had intended at first to sketch/paint it like usual, but then this different sort of style happened.


pascal said…
is this for the female forum drawing thing again?
it's quite nice.
Vanhoozerbot said…
WOW... wow
Beautifully done.
Great pencil work.

your fan

That hair is amazing...I really like your style...I will definitely be checkin in often!
Tyler Stott said…
wow youve got some wicked rad stuff here!!! awww so much talent...i need to catch up..

would you care if i linked your blog??
Toyebot said…
Stunning work! Cheers
Howard Shum said…
Cool drawings on your blog!
mike said…
this does nothing but inspire, sarah!

what kind of pencil are you using?
sarah said…
Thanks everyone!

Pascal, nope, not for the drawingboard :) Just me drawing random stuff!

Tyler! I'd love a link! Yay! Thank you so much!

And Mike, it's col-erase blue. That and col-erase tuscan red are my very favorite pencils.
Unknown said…
i like how everything flows well, and the fact that we see her back.
Kevin Cromwell said…
Great picture, I love your blue pencil work.

K.B. said…
Shamus Murphy said…
wow..lovely fugure work...can I link you to my blog?? Thanks