P.I.B. ...painted #3

Okay I already feel like I can paint this cat in my sleep. Thank you everyone for bearing with me and my repetitive posts :)

Today I lowered the horizon line to free up his body a bit more, there was a bit of a tangent with the tail yesterday. I also tried to work in darker darks and lighter lights so he'd stand out more from the bg. Instead of just values, I also worked in a cool-to-warm transition to push the background back even more and lightened the little details in the bg to make them seem even less important.

I also remembered to paint his whiskers this time.

Not sure if I will paint him again tomorrow, because I feel fairly happy with this for an hour painting. I might try attacking another drawing with paint and see how that goes.


Anonymous said…
Another great painting. However...part of me wonders what it would look like to see a flash of PIB's left eye. That might give us more of a glimpse of the character's swashbuckling, devil-may-care spirit.
Mish said…
another great job, sarah! i loves it!
I really like this color pallet Sarah! It a really successful piece.


Sam Nielson said…
I like the colors for this one the best. The colors remind me of Enrique Fernandez's work.
Tanja said…
I like the colors better on this one, too. Cool that this only took you about an hour! What size were you working with?
sarah said…
Thank you so much for the thoughts and comments everyone. Makes me want to pull the painting back up and keep tweaking stuff...

Sam, thank you, I only wish I could pick colours like Enrique Fernandez. His Wizard of Oz series is so so rich and pretty.

Oh, and Tania, the original scan was 400 dpi and about five by five inches big :)
mike said…
third time's a charm!
Alex Fleisig said…
i like this one. its definitely bolder then the first two and it has more contrast. I think the second coloring job is my favorite though.
Breadwig said…
Well, I like all of them a lot. Now can you post them as an animated gif that flips through all the versions? :)
Kent said…
I like this one best too, Sarah. He really stands out in this one. Very vivid. I do like the colors of the second one, though.
Kei Acedera said…
Very nice explorations in color..i like them all :)..they all bring a different feel to the piece.If i were to chose, I'd also go for the second one.
Don Murphy said…
Really nice work.

The feather in the hat's a nice touch.
Tanja said…
Wow - 400 dpi! Most of my sketch work is scanned at 150 dpi although about the same size (6x9 or smaller). For my Personal work I usually only scan at a higher dpi if I'm planning on printing it or likely did some serious detail work in the sketch that I want to keep in a more final color piece. For Work work, well, that depends on the final product. :) Thanks for the info!

- tanja
pascal said…
it's very instructional( and impressive) to see the progression of this painting.

Did i miss the part in which you said how you did this one?( photoshop or painter?)
PotatoFarmGirl said…
This is lovely! I like the vampire pirate, his sewn up eye is sick!