This is a general comment for your whole blog. You're really talented. If not too much! I can see in your drawing you do animation. I like that touch in the line. ^_^
The subtle coloring is excellent, and there is something about the hand that I really like. Perhaps it's the square build of the fingers (if that makes sense).
Gorgeous! I don't usually paint digitally so excuse me if this is a stupid question - Did you scan that paper texture in and then paint with Photoshop? Or do you work with Painter?
Thanks everyone! And Alana I did the sketch in my sketchbook, so when I scanned it in, it scanned the paper too. I used to clean that out before painting by using levels, but lately I've been leaving it in. Hopefully it looks okay :)
He's got so much personality!
This is one of my faves from you!
His hand is masterful.
And the coloring is so so good.
Your fan,
Glad to have stumbled upon you.
I like your lines.