Back from San D!

Yay! I'm back from the San Deigo Comic-Con. It was awesome. Didn't really draw all that much (too much walking around, having fun and spending lots of money on pretty art) but here are some new things anyway. I know I promised to post a bunch of stuff after being away so long...

This top one is a sketch from the plane that I painted when I woke up this morning.

Here are a couple (rough) character designs I also did on the plane home. I decided while at the con that I should occasionally use the daily posts to tell little stories. The first will be about these guys. Look for the first part tomorrow morning.

And lastly... a rough for my drawergeeks entry for this week. Hopefully I can get it done in time.

Now it's time to eat lunch! Yum!


tom said…
Even though you say that's not being looks like it is! I bet the con was rad. I was in Massachusets at a wedding so the con eluded me....this time....again...
Anonymous said…
The falling girl looks wonderful painted!

I watched you sketch it on the plane, and was amazed at how smoothly you you bring out your lines.

Hope your feet are feeling better than mine. :)
pascal said…
hey SAra!

This is so cool!
what a nice blog you have going on!
Can't wait to see more work from you, and, what a pleasure to meet you at the con!

Kevin Cromwell said…
Good stuff. I love the Bowlets. Yes, sketchbooks are a must on any plane travel. Can't wait to see the story. You've been too busy I think.

Aww I wish I could have gone to the con! :( I kept thinking of how fun it would have been all weekend .. but I hope you had fun (sounds like you did!) Did you have a nice flight? My state better have been nice to you! :)
mike said…
ack! i'm so sorry i missed you at the con! glad you had fun. not enough drawing and too much walking around and buying stuff for me too!

love your drawer geeks cereal. :)
Alex Fleisig said…
I am loving the dindle story.
Keep em coming. But you'd better not disapoint me and kill off the main dindle or anything. That sarah, would be a mistake. Oh and I've decided to name the main dindle, Alexander. Alexander the Dindle. You can thank me later.
Michelle said…
Hi Sarah,

I'm admiring your work, and wanted to ask if you digitally paint your characters or use traditional paints? I love the Dindle story! Can't wait to see the next one!
